Sunday, September 10, 2023



Re-Animage cannot die. He also has a healing touch, which can even bring the dead back to life if they've died very recently.

Originally known as Immorto, who was a member of the Wanderers with the ability to return to life whenever he was killed.

When he was eventually vaporized, Immorto appeared to finally be truly dead. But then Clonus resurrected Immorto and he was reborn as Re-Animage.

Re-Animage can recover from any wound and does not age. He can also temporarily share his reanimating energy with others through touch. This allows him to revive recently dead bodies.

Re-Animage is the leader of the Wanderers.

As I mentioned before on my other Wanderers designs, I chose the cloned versions since I thought they were more interesting design-wise.

One more to go...

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