Saturday, April 01, 2023

Freedom Overture


Freedom Overture
My latest mixed media art.
It will be printed 31" x 40" as giclée and stretched on canvas.
It becomes 3D when viewed with Chromadepth 3D glasses.
I may possibly take orders to be printed as a poster.
I was inspired by the events from the last 3 years.
Many things got swept under the rug, but they will never be forgotten by many.
Fascism, tyranny, dictatorship, censorship, corruption, and crimes against humanity should be brought to justice.
It saddens me our world got divided due to all of the above.
Those who blindly and willingly support that, get all fired up to defend the perpetrators of those atrocities. Those who comply because they genuinely believe is the right thing to do despite how messed up it is.
And those who do not support that, and made a stand against all odds, supporting freedom of choice, freedom of speech, liberty, and justice for all.
The good old divide and conquer, never fails. Throw a little fear-mongering propaganda and voilà.
I can't wait for people to put their differences aside and unite.
Politics, Covid, and I even dare to say some man-made dogmas have been designed to divide humanity between many other things. All committed by a few corrupt, degenerate, power/money-hungry, psychopaths.
It is time to wake up and do something about it. Only when we rise united those nefarious folks will be brought to justice.
It happened throughout history many times.
How many insurrections, revolutions, world wars, and civil wars will it take until we achieve a higher state of consciousness?
A higher state of consciousness that's not tinted by a dumbed-down society that embraces poisoned foods, the lack of education, and obeys out of fear of the few corrupt.
The time for a change, to unite, and manifest the timeline we all truly want to see is way overdue.