Monday, February 21, 2022

Nuestra Señora del Limón


Dedicated to my Argentinian friends...
Nuestra Señora del Limón
La Virgen de los limados.
Virgen de Limón Patrona de los Santos Limados
Gracias por el fin de semana concedido
Que nunca nos falte ni de lo uno ni de lo otro
Líbranos de las falsas amistades
Y que el ácido nos acompañe siempre
Virgin of Lemon Patron Saint of the Limados Saints
Thanks for the weekend granted
That we never lack neither one nor the other
Deliver us from false friendships
And may the acid always be with us
This is based on an Argentinian joke.
There's not such thing as a Virgin of Lemon.
Here's the page and original image I've based it on:
The expression "Limado" in Buenos Aires slang means to be crazy or high. Sounds like lima or limón hence the whole joke.
The literal translation of "Limado" means the operation consisting of removing filings from a material by means of a file or a filer.
Because of that and within the context of this slang expression, that could also mean you got your brain filed from alcohol or drugs therefore you are crazy or not in your right mind...limado.
You can also say "que lime" as in "que locura" (that's crazy)
You can tell to a person: que limado, or estas re-limado. As in you are crazy or high, depends on the situation and the context.
I don't really think any other Spanish-speaking countries would ever get this joke, it's an Argentinian thing, specifically from Buenos Aires.
I'm aware every time you explain a joke it's not funny anymore, especially in another language from another culture where the sense of humor may be very different. Regardless I thought this needed an explanation for most folks around the world.
I hope you enjoy the art nevertheless and appreciate the intention of making you laugh.
This world needs more laughter nowadays.




Inspired by Valentine's Day and Halloween.

Mixed media 3D
24.5” W x 24.5” H
$ 1000
Painted with Photoshop, printed as giclée and stretched on canvas.
It becomes 3D when viewed with ChromaDepth 3D glasses.

After acrylic embellishment details and texturized with clear gel $2000

Friday, February 04, 2022

Walking the Path


There's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.
Anyone can talk a sweet talk, but can you walk the walk?
It takes courage to walk the righteous path of Truth and Justice.

Mixed media & 3D
21" W x 37" H
Painted with Photoshop, printed as giclee and stretched on canvas.
It becomes 3D when viewed with Chromadepth 3D glasses.
After acrylic embellishment details and texturized with clear gel $4000.

Tuesday, February 01, 2022

恭喜发财 Year of the Water Tiger

Kung Hei Fat Choi

Happy Chinese New Year!
2022 is the Year of the Water Tiger
In general, it will be a prosperous year for most folks.
But for those born in the year of the tiger, not so much.

2022 will be a roller coaster ride, a mixture of the last two years.
Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, cause' Kansas is going bye-bye.

Happy 7420!!!