Friday, May 13, 2022

Friday the 13Th on a full Alien-made Artificial Satellite night.


Happy Friday the 13th on a full view of the Alien-made Artificial Satellite (full moon this coming Sunday)
Some cultures, including the Ancient Egyptians, actually considered the number 13 to be lucky. While others have simply swapped numbers as the base of their phobias, triskaidekaphobia to be exact.
Like Social Distortion, Thirteen’s my lucky number.
As for the full moon, I know one day the heavily indoctrinated masses will find out the actual truth that our moon was Alien-made and brought to Earth thousands of years ago. Some folks know thou, minority so far.
Click on the link below for some education:
Here’s my two cents tribute to that glorious Hollywood fear mongering classic flick with #jasonvoorhees

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